Ways to Get (and Stay) Inspired

Welcome to October. Maybe you’re preparing for Waste Reduction Week, or enjoying the fall weather by using Active and Sustainable Transportation to get to school. Perhaps you are doing a waste audit? Or starting your Energy Conservation EcoReview? If you need other...

Fundraising for the Fall

This year, why not add fundraising to your EcoTeam action plan? Fundraising can give a sense of being proactive, develop useful life skills, and help fund larger EcoSchools projects. Many schools ask us for fundraising tips and we will provide ideas throughout...

Be Waste-Free

You open the lunch box & see: a double-plastic wrapped snack, a disposable container of crackers and cheese, a plastic fork, a drink box. According to the Recycling Council of Ontario the average student’s lunch creates about 30 kilos of waste every year. Now, add...

EcoTeam Tips

Every year we meet amazing and diverse EcoTeams. But what makes for an engaged team? We gathered these tips from existing EcoTeams to help your school have a successful year. 1) Start early: If you begin in September it’s easier to involve more students and plan for...

What’s New in 2015-16

Welcome to a new year of environmental learning and action. In 2014-15, our community grew to include 1,762 certified Ontario EcoSchools from 52 school boards. We are excited to support schools in their upcoming eco initiatives – and warmly welcome those new to the...

EcoAction Challenge Winners

  GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Unionville Public School, Nature Buddies Outdoor Inquiry “We held a Nature Buddies outdoor inquiry and the whole school was involved! Kindies collected materials for ‘nature crowns.’ We built rafts to measure how fast our...