Nuit Verte
Dans le cadre de la conférence EECOM, tous les participants sont invités à assister à la Nuit Verte le 23 avril de 19 h à 21 h HAE pour une soirée spéciale d’événements sociaux écologiques qui se déroulent en ligne à travers le Canada !
Inspirée de la “Nuit Blanche”, le festival annuel d’art nocturne de Toronto, cette idée de rassemblement se veut verte en réunissant les délégués de la conférence EECOM pour des conversations communautaires passionnantes sur une variété de thèmes liés à la vie et à l’apprentissage environnementaux.
De la dégustation de bières artisanales biologiques à l’apiculture urbaine, de la comédie aux slams de poésie, des cours de cuisine autochtone aux trucs et astuces pour vivre sans déchets, etc., il y a une session Nuit Verte pour répondre aux passions et aux intérêts de chacun !
Pour toutes les sessions de la Nuit Verte, les participants devront s’inscrire à l’avance (formulaires d’inscription à venir!). Les inscriptions seront disponibles selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, jusqu’au 20 avril. L’inscription est incluse gratuitement dans votre billet pour la conférence EECOM. Vous avez besoin de votre billet pour la conférence ? Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire sur Eventbrite !
Les offres de Nuit Verte sont susceptibles d’être modifiées en fonction du nombre minimum d’inscriptions pour organiser les sessions.
Séances de la Nuit Verte
Soir de bière en français!
Marie-Élaine Desmarais, Rhéa Rocque et Tyler Ganes
Participez à une dégustation de bières guidée tout en discutant de l’intersection entre la viabilité et la bière.
Frais pour les délégué.e.s : Coût de la bière
Dans le cadre de cette activité, si vous désirez participer à la dégustation de bière guidée par un maître brasseur, on vous invite à vous procurer ces 3 types de bières de votre région:
- une Pale Ale
- une Lager (pâle)
- une bière au choix
On découvrira ensemble comment les différents ingrédients nuancent le goût de la bière. On discutera aussi (de façon bien légère) des enjeux environnementaux liés à la bière et on terminera par une période de discussion et de questions. Au plaisir de vous y retrouver!
Low Waste Living in the City
Zero Waste GTA, Sarah Robertson-Barnes, Haley Higdon & Jason Gale
Join Haley (@50 Shades of Green), Sarah (@Sarah Robertson-Barnes), Sophi (@yourecofriend), Erin ( and Lin and Toni (@plasticfreeto) in a conversation about low-waste living. Get simple tips and tricks that are still possible in a pandemic.
Cost for delegates: Free
Indigenous cooking
Candace Esquimaux & Rosa Na
Join this informative session to converse with Candace about traditional Indigenous cuisine using products obtained from native species. Candace will be demonstrating how to make Cedar tea.
Cost for delegates: Free, but supplies and preparation required.
Preparation: Find a healthy cedar tree in your neighbourhood and pick a handful of leaves prior to the session. Make sure to clean the cedar with vinegar and water for a few minutes, and rinse off. If possible, order a cedar tea kit directly from Candace! It comes with 3 teas, organic honey and maple syrup, honey dipper and directions:
Vegetarian/vegan cooking session
Vanessa Alsop & Lindsay Bunce
Join Vanessa Alsop, a vegetarian and vegan cooking enthusiast, for a hands-on cooking class. An ingredients list will be sent to participants prior to the session so they cook together, as well as trade favourite recipes and culinary tips!
Cost for delegates: Free, but supplies required.
Ingredients for Vegan Eggplant Parmesan
2 medium eggplants or (plus salt to extract bitter juices)
2 Tbsp olive oil
4 garlic cloves crushed
1 large onion chopped
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 large tin of toms (28oz)
1 Tbsp maple syrup
3 Tbsp red wine
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup of light vegetable oil
1/2 cup of nutritional yeast (or vegan parmesan)
4 Tbsp fresh basil
Urban Chicken Coops
Rick Kool & Darlene Litman
Think chickens are only egg-producing machines? No way! Chickens can become part of the family. What other pet gives you breakfast?! Do you have questions about keeping backyard chickens? Or experience in keeping backyard chickens?
Share your experiences, with Darlene (who knows a lot) and Rick (who knows nothing). We’re open to chatting about chickens!
Cost for delegates: Free
“A Taste Like No Other” – Organic Craft Beer Tasting
Phil Winters & Pam Miller
Get a taste of the GTA in this session that focuses on organic beers. Join beer-lover Pam Miller and micro-brewer Phil Winters from Goodlot Beer to ‘talk and taste’ organic beer – a list of Goodlot beers to be sent out in advance, or bring your favourite brand to join in!
*Limited to those 19 and over.
Cost for delegates: Free, but supplies required.
- Goodlot’s ‘Farmstead Ale’
- Goodlot’s ‘Bighead Amber’
“A Wee Drop for the Planet” – Organic (BioDynamic) Wine Tasting
Jenn Vetter & Tim Grant
Want to take a virtual wine tour, learn about organic/sustainable wines produced in Canada and beyond and enjoy a glass with some new friends?
Join Tim and Jenn for this highly participatory wine tasting session where you can enjoy a glass of your favourite organic wine, connect with other conference participants, and share some interesting facts about the wine you chose.
*Limited to those 19 and over
Cost for delegates: Free, but supplies required.
Purchase a bottle of your favourite organic wine from Canada or any wine region in the world and bring it to this session.
Eco art-making
Allison Best & Linda Naccarato
Feeling creative? Join this session to share your approaches to environmental art-making, and try out a few new ones. Together we will explore mark making inspired by, and using, nature! Participants can bring to the session art materials of their choice and are encouraged to try some of our recommended natural materials and tools. A short list of materials to gather will be sent to participants in advance. No skills or art experience required!
Cost for delegates: Free, but supplies required.
Basic materials:
- Pencils, markers, crayons, paints
- Paper (GOOS or recycled paper/cardboard packaging)
Natural ‘PAINTS’ to try:
- Natural dyes/pigments ( e.g. beet dye, turmeric + water, onion skin dye)
- Mud/ dirt paint (e.g. dirt + water)
- Food scraps (e.g. coffee grounds, tea bags)
Natural ‘PAINTING TOOLS’ to try:
- Pine needle twigs
- Vegetable stamps (e.g. potato, onion, brussel sprout, broccoli)
- Pinecones
- Hands!
Natural inspiration:
- Natural treasures: bark, stones, shells, leaves, seed pods
- House plants and green things growing in your home
- Inspiring fruits and veg from your kitchen
Sustainability Trivia Night
Lauren Azzopardi & Eric Olorenshaw
Do you consider yourself an avid practitioner of sustainable living? Join this fun trivia session to find out and learn tips and tricks to further reduce your carbon footprint!
Cost for delegates: Free
Open Mic/Eco-Comedy
Barret Miller & eco-comic Nathan “Nature Nate” Entz
Are you in desperate need for some comic relief? Do you need some laughter therapy? Are you a closeted comic? Well it is time to come out of the closet and join this open-mic eco-comedy night for a chance to perform in front of a live audience!
Cost for delegates: Free
Bring your greenest funny bits, listening and supporting attitude, and be ready for some laughs!
Paul Elliott
Why waste your waste? Join this session to learn how to create and maintain an indoor magical worm composting bin that turns green waste into rich dark soil!
Cost for delegates: Free
Bee-autiful Bees! Exploring Urban Beekeeping
Robin Sundstrom & Michelle Wolfson
Thinking about keeping bees in the city? We will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know — and point you in the right directions if you just want to be a pollinator steward. From swarms to sweets!
Cost for delegates: Free