Your voice, our future

Help shape the future of environmental learning in Canada!

EcoSchools Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) are working together to bolster environmental literacy across the country and we want to hear from you!

Meet Canada’s leading climate scientists at our  

Earth Week Event!

Young people are seeing headlines in the news that are terrifying and make them feel powerless – our education needs to give us the skills, the knowledge, the coping mechanisms, to turn those feelings into agency and action.

“Young people are seeing headlines in the news that are terrifying and make them feel powerless – our education needs to give us the skills, the knowledge, the coping mechanisms, to turn those feelings into agency and action“.

Phoebe Hanson, youth climate and social justice activist.

Join the conversation

Canada is not performing well when it comes to climate education. We need to step up our game and ensure that environmental learning is happening across the country in ways that are relevant and meaningful for everyone. We invite 15+ students, classrooms, and EcoTeams to share their feedback through a short survey. Check out the instructions below.

OPTION 1 – Online survey

  • Follow instructions on the survey and read each question aloud to students.
  • Students may answer “yes” by raising their hands.
  • Once complete, insert answers into the survey.
  • Submit.

OPTION 2 – Print out survey

  • Teachers may print out the survey questions.
  • Following instructions on the survey and read each question aloud to students.
  • Students may answer “yes” by raising their hands.
  • Once complete, take a picture of the completed survey and send it to

Share the following information with your students ahead of the survey to provide context to the questions.

    Join us during Earth Week for a

    Climate Literacy Event!

    Watch our inspirational panel with climate scientists from across Canada.

    Presentations and panelists:

    Rain, Snow or Sunshine? Tracking the Weather at Environment Canada

    Charlotte Cockburn

    Ever wonder how we track the weather? How we know when there’s going to be snow, or a heatwave, or a thunderstorm? Charlotte, a scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada is here to help show us! Her team is responsible for monitoring the weather all across Canada – from coast to coast to coast. While they do work across the country, a big part of the work focuses specifically on how to track weather over the oceans and in the Canadian High Arctic.

     Measuring Arctic Snow and Sea Ice with Chris!

    Chris Derkson

    Chris is a research scientist with the Climate Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada. His research activities focus on the use of satellite data and climate models to understand climate change impacts on the Arctic. Chris’ favourite part of his job is getting out on the land for field research: he has participated in more than 25 snow and sea ice measurements campaigns across the Canadian Arctic.

    Looking into the crystal ball of weather forecasting with Armel

    Armel Castellan

    How can we help people make weather-informed choices for the weather extremes their operations may face? Armel is one of several Warning Preparedness Meteorologists looking out for partner agencies like River Forecast Centres, Wildfire Services, Health professionals, to anticipate the implications of High Impact Weather (HIW). He also helps answer all sorts of questions like:  Was that “event” extremely cold/hot/wet/dry?  Can you tell me what phenomena we are seeing in this picture/video?  When is the best weekend of the year to guarantee good wedding weather!? Ultimately, he is interested in communicating the secret sauce that will change Canadians’ behaviour in the face of unsafe weather conditions.

    Have any questions? Email them to and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.

    In collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada