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Keepin’ it green over the holidays

With school out for the holidays, you might be looking for ways to stay entertained, whether it’s getting creative with handmade gifts, or enjoying the great outdoors with winter activities. Here are a few ideas on how to enjoy a healthy, happy, and green holiday...

Celebrate the Solstice

Are the early evenings getting you down? Celebrate the Winter Solstice this Tuesday, December 22 – the days are only getting longer from here! Take the time to learn about the day, and even though school is out, teachers and parents can hold a candle-light celebration...

Guest Post: Climate change in the classroom

Students can feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem and are often confused about what they can do about it. My goal is to have students realize that they can easily take action in their own homes, school and communities once they are empowered with the knowledge they have learned in class.

Celebrate World Soil Day!

It nourishes our plants, stores water, and supports all wildlife…but we don’t often think about it because it’s underneath our feet.

The Not-So-Official COP21: Other Gatherings to Watch

The Not-So-Official COP21: Other Gatherings to Watch

Getting citizens together in their communities to discuss and live out positive actions to mitigate climate change is important. Did you know that myriad alternative gatherings will be taking place alongside the official COP21?

COP21: A bit of background

COP21: A bit of background

The anticipated outcome of COP21 in Paris will be to reach a new, legally-binding international agreement on climate change, applicable to all 154 participating countries, to keep global warming below 2°C.

5 Excellent Elementary Wintry Activities

5 Excellent Elementary Wintry Activities

Make the best of the chilly season and plan some outdoor activities. There are plenty of ways to keep warm when it’s cold outside. Explore snow: On a snowy day, catch snowflakes on black construction paper and examine with magnifying glasses – great for geometry...

4 School Campaigns for Buy Nothing Day

4 School Campaigns for Buy Nothing Day

With the holiday season approaching, consumerism can cause unnecessary stress. It can be helpful to take a step back and think about what pushes us to spend money on things we don’t truly need. Buy Nothing Day, which takes place on the last Friday of November is a...