Green 2016: 4 Essential Eco-Resources

Welcome to 2016! We hope you had safe and sustainable holidays and have come back recharged for a New Year full of green initiatives. Here’s what’s up and coming. Certification Deadline: January 29th The Initial EcoReview deadline is nearing! One of the key elements...

Keepin’ it green over the holidays

With school out for the holidays, you might be looking for ways to stay entertained, whether it’s getting creative with handmade gifts, or enjoying the great outdoors with winter activities. Here are a few ideas on how to enjoy a healthy, happy, and green holiday...

Celebrate the Solstice

Are the early evenings getting you down? Celebrate the Winter Solstice this Tuesday, December 22 – the days are only getting longer from here! Take the time to learn about the day, and even though school is out, teachers and parents can hold a candle-light celebration...

Guest Post: Climate change in the classroom

Many students feel hopeless when it comes to taking action on climate change. They are aware of global issues that contribute to climate change such as deforestation or population growth that results in greater energy consumption. However, students can feel...

Celebrate World Soil Day!

It nourishes our plants, stores water, and supports all wildlife…but we don’t often think about it because it’s underneath our feet. Want to take a guess as to what we are talking about? … Yes, soil! This Friday, December 4 is World Soil Day – a...

The Not-So-Official COP21: Other Gatherings to Watch

The two weeks of national-level negotiations in Paris will be crucial to setting an agenda for climate action: after all, COP21 is expected to attract nearly 50,000 participants, including 25,000 official delegates from government, intergovernmental organisations, UN...