Don’t be shy, certify!

Submit by April 28th There is just over a week left until the deadline to submit your online application. We have been sharing #CertTIPS to help you out, so if you’re on Twitter, search for the hashtag and you may find a new tidbit to help you out with the last bit of...

Winter Walk Day with Burford District Elementary School (GEDSB)

Here is an example of a school-wide Environmental Stewardship campaign that gets students outdoors and actively learning about environmental issues such as the link between transportation choices and air pollution. Read on to find out how this engaged EcoSchool...

April is Earth Month! Here’s how to claim it in Certification

We know you’ve been working hard on Energy Conservation and Waste Minimization; Earth Month is a good chance to focus on School Ground and Environmental Stewardship. It’s time to get your EcoTeam working together on transformative change that will set the stage...

Certification & school visit tips

Certification Application Celebrate your school’s achievements by sharing all of your hard work – from forming a strong EcoTeam to tackling an environmental issue through a school-wide campaign – in your certification application. If you can, submit early...