December is a month filled with opportunities to develop campaigns and take action with your school community. Check out the below suggestions from our Eco Calendar for inspiration. Are we missing something important? Email us at info [at] ecoschools [dot] ca and let us know!

World Soil Day: December 5, 2019

International Mountain Day: December 11, 2019

Eco-friendly holidays

While the holidays often involves using a lot of materials and energy for gifts and decorations, a little creativity can go a long way in helping you reduce your energy and waste footprint. Here are a few suggestions of ways you can take action:

  • Celebrate the Winter Solstice with a lights-out lunch.
  • Host a Swap Shop of warm winter garments to share what you have collectively instead of buying new, while sticking true to the 6Rs: Rethink/Reinvent, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse/Repair, Recycle, Replace/Rebuy.
  • Whip up some yummy local food and seasonal soups, stews, and baking to stay cozy.
  • Get outside in all weathers: Discover a new park or trail and spend an afternoon observing what you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Take photos, sketch, or record in a nature journal.
  • From classic favourites like paper snowflakes (using recycled cards) to bird-approved ornaments, here are 12 crafty creations to make your holiday season sustainably festive.

Remember, sharing photos, videos, and messages is a great way to demonstrate your environmental commitment, and always puts smiles on our faces! Please tag us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and let us know what you’re up to.