
Well-Being in EcoSchools

By connecting well-being to your EcoSchools program, we hope the resources listed here can help integrate healthy habits, physical activity and mental health into all aspects of classroom life.

Four Savvy Ideas for Spring

Now that you have input your initial EcoReviews, don’t wait until April to make changes in order to see improvements for your follow-up EcoReviews! Here are a couple of ideas to make a difference between now and the end of April.

Plan Ahead: World Water Day and Earth Hour

World Water Day is all about focusing our attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. This year, Earth Hour happens at 8:30PM on Saturday, March 24th, but schools often choose to celebrate during the week to involve all students.

Announcing Ontario EcoSchools’ new Executive Director, Lindsay Bunce!

Ontario EcoSchools is excited to announce the appointment of incoming Executive Director Lindsay Bunce, effective March 12th. Lindsay brings over 15 years of experience in environmental, education, and nonprofit sectors, including leadership roles at Earth Day Canada and Toronto and Region Conservation. Over the last 12 years, Lindsay has been on the frontlines of building […]