We have some exciting news!

For the past 12 years, York University’s Faculty of Environmental Studies has been the incubator of the Ontario EcoSchools program. During this time the program has experienced sustained growth: from 100+ schools certified in 2005 to over 1,800 schools certifying in 2016-17. This exciting momentum has led us to become a charity.

As a registered charity, Ontario EcoSchools can:

  • Further diversify our fundraising portfolio
  • Issue tax receipts because we now have charitable status
  • Be more flexible and nimble in a changing environment
  • Respond to the needs of our maturing organization

What will change for certifying schools?

Short answer: nothing! Program development will continue to be guided by schools and school boards and you can count on ongoing strong support, high quality certification standards, and a focus on environmental learning and action.

Ontario EcoSchools is fortunate to have a dedicated and passionate Board of Directors, advisory committee, and leadership team to guide this process. As a registered charity we are well on our way to meeting the goals of our three-year strategic plan, which you can read here.

If you are interested in taking action for EcoSchools, please help grow the next generation of environmental leaders with your gift today. Donate now.

For further details, see our FAQs and for additional questions, please contact Tania Cheng, Associate Director, at tcheng@ecoschools.ca.

Thanks for all the hard work and effort in helping schools #gogreen!