EcoLiteracy and Numeracy

Student-directed learning and reflection Integrate environmentalism into all aspects of the curriculum. Tips: Systems thinking allows students to understand complex networks of ecology and relationships in the natural world. Start in science classes and extend to...

To Be Green or Not To Be Green

Raising environmental awareness A great way to talk about environmental issues is through student skits, presentations, or productions. Get serious about being green by having a little fun! Tips: Videotape a classroom environmental play and share it with the whole...

Get Innovative

Raising environmental awareness Challenge students to get innovative and explore environmental issues with an exciting cross-curricular project that can incorporate multiple classrooms. Tips: Dragon’s Den: ask students to design a green product and have teachers...

Creative Non-Consumerism

Raising environmental awareness Think outside the box and ask how you and your school can cut down on consumerism. Tips: Have your class participate in Buy Nothing Day: one idea is to use class time for students to investigate their consumer habits and come up with...

Cross-Disciplinary Learning

Raising environmental awareness Dig deep into environmental education by making connections between subject areas and divisions. Tips: Create a whole school theme for environmental learning and all grade levels to teach a class linked to the theme – for example, water...