Project 2050
Climate-friendy habits to change the world
Welcome to Project 2050: Climate-friendly habits to change the world! This national movement, powered by Earth Rangers in partnership with EcoSchools Canada, is about connecting youth with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle climate change.
The program will provide an easy and fun way for youth and their families to contribute to the fight against climate change by adopting small but impactful climate-friendly habits.
How you and your EcoSchool can get involved
EcoSchools Canada invites students across the country to contribute to Canada’s climate-resilient future by participating in Project 2050 through our certification program. Here’s how to get started:
1. Create an account or log in on EcoSchools Certification Application (ECA).
2. On the ECA, select the Project 2050 pathway or navigate to the Action Library – select and complete at least three of the following actions to contribute to Project 2050:
- Active and Sustainable School Travel
- Divert Textile Waste
- Heating and Cooling
- Eco-Friendly Foods
- Reduce Your Food Waste
- Sort Your Waste
- Switch Off Lights and Devices
- Tree Planting and Maintenance
- Vermicomposting and School-based Composting
- Waste-free Lunch
If your school completes at least three of the above actions, you’ll be awarded with a Project 2050 achievement badge on the ECA!
Project 2050 Climate Change Resources
Project 2050 Challenge Resources
Project 2050 Stories
Student Action for Project 2050
Planting it Forward: Student’s initiative raises climate awareness through tree planting
Hosting Meatless Mondays for a healthier planet
Keep pollution out of the air by walking, biking, or bussing to school!
Climate-friendly habits to change the world
Read our blog post and visit Project 2050 for more information on this exciting initiative!