Our Impact

In the 2023-24 school year…

More students than ever were recognized for their commitment and creativity in tackling some of the biggest environmental challenges we face.

To see a map of all the participating EcoSchools across Canada, check out the EcoSchools Map.

Provinces and Territories

Students Reached

Total Participating Schools

Registered School Boards / Districts / Divisions

Amplifying Change

Joining the EcoSchools program connects schools through our network of regional delivery partners, school board/district partners, and educators across Canada.

People reached
via newsletter

In-person Workshops


What is happening at an EcoSchool near you?

More schools in BC decided to Get Cooking while learning about themes such as sustainable food systems, plant diversity, and seasonal eating.

Take Me Outside Day was celebrated by an increasing number of schools in Ontario this year! Schools host a one-day event to promote the importance of reconnecting with nature.

Schools across the region cultivated awareness and well-being by regularly visiting one specific spot to sit, slow down, awaken the senses and learn more about the local environment through the Sit Spot action.

Sort Your Waste and Reduce Harmful Single-Use Plastics were two actions that grew in popularity across schools in Quebec this year, with more students learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste!

Schools in New Brunswick helped protect local species and supported biodiversity on their school grounds by taking on more Create Homes for Wildlife and Pollinator Garden actions this year.

Staff Professional Development was the most popular action for schools in Newfoundland, providing opportunities for school staff to enhance their environmental knowledge and skills by participating in webinars, workshops, and conferences.

You are making a positive difference!

Each participating EcoSchool represents a dedicated group of environmental champions who are committed to the environment and leading meaningful actions throughout the school year. Take a look at the combined impact of EcoSchools across Canada – together, we are making a difference!





Whole School Initiatives




Environmental Leaders




Actions Completed




Hours of Oudoor Learning

Connecting to the SDGs




Earth Day Participants




Classrooms Optimized




Waste-free Lunches




tCO2e Sequestered from Greening Activities

Sustainability Metrics




kWh of Electricity Used




kg of Waste Diverted




Students Using Sustainable Transport




Trees Planted

Interested to learn more?

Go to app.ecoschools.ca/school/impact to start tracking your school’s impact!