The results are in! Every year we survey our school communities and get valuable insights about the program and on why schools certify. Here are summaries of the top responses.

Top 4 reasons schools want to certify  

  1. Desire for their school to be eco-friendly
  2. To encourage student leadership, engagement, and celebration
  3. Access to professional development opportunities
  4. Recognition of their school within the school board and wider community

Top 7 environmental impacts

Here is a list of the main environmental impacts that certified EcoSchools notice in their schools.

  1. More opportunities for student leadership
  2. Increased recycling practices
  3. Growing participation in eco-actions and on EcoTeams
  4. Reduced waste consumption, from food waste to plastic
  5. Reduced energy use
  6. Reduced overall environmental impact
  7. Increased biodiversity of plants and/or animals found on the school grounds

Top 5 environmental topics that EcoSchools care about (aside from Energy and Waste)

  1. Plastic pollution
  2. Outdoor learning
  3. Food and organics waste
  4. Water conservation
  5. Health and well-being

5+ favourite environmental apps (as recommended by teachers)

  1. Citizen science: &
  2. Tree and plant ID: OR
  3. Bird ID: &
  4. Recycling:
  5. Nature docs:

Others mentioned:

Top 4 school board priorities that connect to the EcoSchools program

  1. Active transportation
  2. Indigenous education
  3. Stewardship of creation
  4. Well-being

3 practices that principals said help schools become EcoSchools

  1. Incorporate EcoSchools in school improvement plan
  2. Mention EcoSchools initiatives in staff meetings
  3. Designate funds and/or time for EcoTeam activities

Other neat stats!

  • 80% of educators felt that participating in the Ontario EcoSchools program benefited their personal development or career. “It’s a place where I can shine a bit, and learn, and contribute.”
  • 82% respondents were likely or very likely to recommend the Ontario EcoSchools program to friends.
  • 58% of survey respondents involved parent and guardian communities in their EcoSchools program.