Spotlight on Louise Arbour SS!

Written by LASS teachers Linda Ryan and Carmelina Figliomeni-Crupi, with input from the EcoSquad Louise Arbour Secondary School (PDSB) has been a certified EcoSchool since the school opened in the fall of 2010. The vibrant hands-on, Ecoschools program supports the...

Victoria Terrace PS and School-Wide Inquiry

Talk to any student in the halls of Victoria Terrace Public School in Fergus and ask them where energy comes from and you’ll get an informed, detailed answer. Chances are, they’ll have some good questions for you too. That’s because when Victoria Terrace examines an...

Erin Public School : Cutting Waste in School & in Town

Every month, students in Cathy Dykstra’s grade 5 class put on their “Water Rockers” t-shirts, walk down Main Street, and visit the stores and restaurants in the town of Erin to promote environmental awareness. The students have persuaded 100% of the 50 downtown...

Erin Public School : Cutting Waste in School & in Town

Every month, students in Cathy Dykstra’s grade 5 class put on their “Water Rockers” t-shirts, walk down Main Street, and visit the stores and restaurants in the town of Erin to promote environmental awareness. The students have persuaded 100% of the 50 downtown...

Nearby Nature Thursday

This Thursday, join us for a mindful walk and yoga in Bickford Park! Get outside during the work day to celebrate nature that’s close by. (It’s spring!). The event will only be an hour – so take that much needed lunch break. Learn about and do some...