
Broadcast Your Best

Green actions are often newsworthy. Include EcoTeam goals and successes in your school’s newsletter to engage more people in your EcoSchools program.


Celebrate your environmental spirit as a school community. Hold an assembly to share updates about your EcoSchool program, and inspire everyone for a great year.

Go Green EcoTeam

At the core of a strong EcoSchool is an active group of students and adults. A range of grades makes for a well-rounded team, and involving school principals, teachers, parents, and custodial staff gives students the support they need to succeed.

Staff Appreciation at School

It’s important to acknowledge the great efforts of school staff. This can build support for EcoTeam activities, maintain goodwill, and recognize all the work that staff do to support your EcoSchools program.

Building Skills

Workshops, webinars, and whole school presentations are invaluable ways to add skills and knowledge to your EcoSchools program. Invite both students and staff to participate.

Green Mentors

Both elementary and secondary EcoTeams can benefit from mentorship throughout the school year. It builds strong student leadership, capacity, and a succession plan for future years.