It’s All in The Name

Raising your EcoTeam’s profile EcoHeroes, Earth Eagles, EcoPatrol, GreenDreams: these are all fun, catchy names that will capture your mission and distinguish your EcoTeam. Tips: Many EcoTeams divide up tasks in their group. One idea is to have fun names associated...


Raising your EcoTeam’s profile Mascots are a fun and visible way to represent your EcoTeam. Consider having eco-superheroes such as Mme. Lumière, a French language school’s mascot for energy conservation. Tips: Green your school mascot: for example, if your mascot is...

Announce Your EcoTeam!

Effective whole school communication Regular school announcements are a wonderful way to connect with the whole school and keep everyone updated on EcoTeam actions. Let your creativity soar by incorporating skits, jingles, songs, and tag lines to hook your audience...

Get Visual at School

Effective whole school communication Indoor displays can let everyone know you’re an EcoSchool and showcase initiatives throughout the year. The most successful displays are student-created, posted in high-traffic locations, vibrant, and updated regularly. Tips:...

Broadcast Your Best

Effective whole school communication Green actions are often newsworthy. Include EcoTeam goals and successes in your school’s newsletter to engage more people in your EcoSchools program. Tips: Online communication: start an eco-blog, open a Twitter account, or create...


Effective whole school communication Celebrate your environmental spirit as a school community. Hold an assembly to share updates about your EcoSchool program, and inspire everyone for a great year. Tips: Kick off the year with a whole school assembly where the...