Inquiring on Impact

Enhance learning through inquiry Learn about your school’s energy use through Ontario EcoSchools resources and student-led investigation. Tips: The Classroom Lighting Assessment and School Energy Consumption Assessment are both great places to begin the inquiry, and...

Switch Off

Effective whole school communication To get everyone on board, highlight energy conservation practices on prominent signage with clear and simple instructions. Tips: Encourage each classroom to create its own poster for turning off the lights and other electronics and...

Awesome Energy Awards

Incentives to get everyone involved There are many creative ways to highlight your school’s eco-achievements. Giving awards to classrooms that are switching lights off can build momentum around energy conservation at your school. Tips: Award participants with golden...

Phantom-Load Ghost Busters

Enhance learning through inquiry When devices are left plugged in or on, they use “phantom energy.” Take action to reduce this often unseen energy waste. Tips: Knowledge is power: do a classroom audit to see what’s left plugged in, and use a watt meter to see how much...

EcoReps and Roles

Build a strong EcoTeam Defining roles and representation in your EcoTeam can help students understand their responsibilities as well as spread the word about your actions quickly and effectively. Tips: Eco Reps can be assigned to specific tasks in the classroom as...

Create a Plan

Organization for a successful year Once your EcoTeam is established, brainstorm your actions for the year. Start small and build on your success: select one or two key initiatives that your EcoTeam wants to address and make an action plan. Tips: Use...