Green-Themed Science Fair

If your school has an annual science fair, make the focus environmental issues. Tips: Students can research and present ideas on topics such as climate change, the effects of chemicals on ecosystems, product life cycles, and biodegradable product claims.Elementary and...

Environmental Film Festival

There are many great films that can inspire students and showcase environmental issues in a creative way. Tips: Invite a local environmental organization to introduce the film or speak about regional connections to the film’s theme.Use your film viewing to engage...

Earth Week, Earth Month

Earth Week in April is an excellent time to promote a school culture of environmental sustainability. Tips: Have specific focuses each day of the week: Meatless Monday, Tupperware Tuesday, Walking Wednesday, Thrift Thursday, Waste-Free Friday.Hold an eco-themed...

Ban the Bottle at School

Single-use water bottles can take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to biodegrade. Consider running a Ban the Bottle campaign to reduce the use of these wasteful products. Tips: Create a display showing the number of water bottles your school uses in a week to...

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an international movement in which people turn off lights symbolically for one hour to recognize the impact of energy on the environment. Tips: Earth Hour takes place annually on the last Saturday in March. Schools and school boards usually participate...

Sweater Stewardship

Hold a campaign to embrace the cooler seasons: put on a sweater, celebrate winter solstice, or collect gently used cozy clothing to reduce your school’s impact when the snow is on the ground. Tips: Participate in National Sweater Day in February or host your own Ugly...