Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria
Bondar Challenge judges will be selected from passionate members of the EcoSchools Canada community, and from the Roberta Bondar Foundation. The evaluation will be performed to the best of the judges’ abilities in a fair manner and will represent the opinion of the judges. They will choose entries that best fulfill the Bondar Challenge objectives based on the Judging Process and Criteria described below. Their decision on all entries is final.

Judging Process:
- Judges will read the artist’s statement and review the image. The two components will be judged as an integrated whole;
- Each judge on their own will vet a group of photos and written submissions and will select the top ten entries as finalists in the competition;
- The judges working as a panel will select the winners. Three winners will be selected from each age category.
Judging Evaluation Criteria:
Judges will consider the following criteria when assessing photo submissions:
A) Technical component: The photograph submitted was in focus with no unintended motion
B) Artistic dimensions such as:
- Composition – not jumbled; no unintended objects
- Focus of interest
- Colour, lines, texture
- What was it in the environment that was appealing? What attracted the participant to take the photo?
C) Scientific dimensions such as:
- Accuracy of information presented
- Identifying or explaining a scientific fact or principle that is at work in the photograph
- Photograph reflects the theme of the competition
- Biome and/or Ecozone identified
For more details on the competition, please see Competition Rules.