Ontario EcoSchools program has kicked into high gear as schools opened their doors for another active year. Here’s how we counted down to the beginning of school:

In case you missed it, and are still needing some inspiration, check out this back-to-school playlist curated by EcoSchools’ staff to maximize fun, energy, and excitement:

As always, we’re eager to share photos, videos, questions and comments from our community. Here’s a peek at the goals you set and the actions taken so far this fall, with a special focus on waste minimization.

Staff at Samuel Hearne Middle School in Toronto tackled plastic straw waste right from the get-go:

Harry J Clarke Public School in HPEDSB pledge to continue their paperless practices for school communications:

St. Francis of Assisi in OCSB shared helpful tips for minimizing waste in the busy back to school period:

David Suzuki Secondary School in PDSB hit the parking lot on the first day of school to deliver anti-idling messages to drivers:

Custodial Workers Recognition Day was a big hit on Twitter, where nearly 10 EcoSchools shared their appreciation for custodial staff:

Harriet Tubman Public School in DSBN shared photos from the first-ever waste audit led by EcoTeam students:

We love to see and hear moments from your EcoSchools journeys – keep them coming! Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for regular updates, news, and more.