After you register with Ontario EcoSchools this year, share with your community why you do what you do and how it helps the earth! Find below some graphics and some links to help tell your story.

Visuals to share

Here are some social media graphics you can use:




You can also download the digital seal for your 2017-18 certification level once you’ve registered online, and here are some general certification seals and logos for use!

Articles to share

For teachers, administration, or parents who want to share why being an EcoSchool is valuable (it’s a great way to get others on board!) check out some new pages on our site.

Why Certify explains some of the top benefits school communities get when they certify – from individual school recognition to joining a growing movement.

How EcoSchools Conserve outlines some statistics and facts about the program to illustrate exactly how EcoSchools converse energy, reduce waste, and promote valuable student leadership opportunities. In the classroom and beyond!

If you are on social media, feel free to share social graphics and the links to the articles above. If you aren’t so social media, you can visit the page to see an email option along the side of the page, where you can forward it to people you think would be interested.

Storytelling Tips

As you share the materials above, consider including:

  • Your goals for the year
  • Why you are a proud EcoSchool
  • Something unique your EcoTeam does to save the planet.
  • Quotes or thoughts from EcoTeam members

If you tag @ON_EcoSchools in your post on Twitter or Instagram, or @OntarioEcoSchools on Facebook, we’ll share with the whole network!

Thanks for spreading the word and we’re proud of YOU!