Zero Waste: EcoSchools in the Media

“Students working to save planet one plastic fork at a time” In Rainbow District School Board, during Pollution Prevention Week (September 17-21), school communities are challenged to go litterless and find alternatives to plastic and single-use materials, like bags,...

Proud to be an EcoSchool? Tell the World

After you register with Ontario EcoSchools this year, share with your community why you do what you do and how it helps the earth! Find below some graphics and some links to help tell your story. Visuals to share Here are some social media graphics you can use:...

SuperConference 2019: Get Involved & What’s New!

SuperConference is Ontario EcoSchools’ largest annual event and not to be missed! The day brings together students, teachers, principals, board level officials, and community organizations for learning and networking. You’ll build lasting connections and help...

Certified EcoSchools Share their Insights

The results are in! Every year we survey our school communities and get valuable insights about the program and on why schools certify. Here are summaries of the top responses. Top 4 reasons schools want to certify   Desire for their school to be eco-friendlyTo...

Plan Ahead: Navigate your November

Hello EcoTeams! Navigate your fall by running one, some, or all of the campaigns below. You can claim many of the activities in your certification application – please review the 2018-19 Certification Guides for full criteria and to see where the activity...