We are looking forward to our biggest event yet – that’s why it’s called SuperConference! This year, we’re bringing together EcoTeams, teachers, school staff, outdoor education centres, administration, partners, and the general public for a day of learning and networking focused on building environmental leadership in our school communities.

What does building environmental leadership mean for Ontario EcoSchools?

For adult participants, this is a fantastic chance to network, share, and expand your expertise to advocate for positive change in your community, while inspiring young environmental leaders.

Youth participants will be engaged in a two-day tailored ICE (Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship) training experience that supports Specialized High Skills Major programs. This year, the ICE training is offered as part of a pilot initiative for select schools. Our hope is to expand youth participation at the SuperConference in future years.

Travelling to the conference from out of town? The Le Jardin event centre is just minutes from the following hotels:

Need a ride? Have space in your vehicle? Use this handy carpooling tool to find a ride or let others know that you would be happy to drive!

SuperConference registration is open until February 9!

Eventbrite - Ontario EcoSchools SuperConference