We’re in the middle of Waste Reduction Week – the perfect time for your school community to meet the requirements of the Waste Minimization section. Here are three ways to become a verifiable waste wizard.

Do a waste audit to see how you’re doing with waste sorting

Noticed plastic water bottles in the garbage bin or apple cores in the recycling bin? It’s time for a waste audit! A school-wide waste audit is a chance for your EcoTeam to take the lead on collecting baseline data to evaluate how well your school community is sorting waste. First time doing an audit? No fear – watch this how-to video for tips.

Audited your waste and want to take action? Here’s what’s next?

Noting areas for improvement is a huge step towards making progress. Get your EcoTeam together to identify one or more way in which your school can work together to reduce the quantity of waste and contamination (e.g. putting food waste in the garbage when there are green bins available). Head to our Waste Minimization resource package where you’ll find worksheets, lessons plans, and a campaign kit.

Commit to a waste-free week!

Last but not least, our staff team is doing our own Waste Reduction Week Challenge: this week we’re striving to produce zero waste at the office – this includes many of the practices that our schools are doing, including waste-free lunches, making sure we know what goes where, and using our GOOS bin for note-taking, doodling, and printing. Follow along on Twitter and as always, share what you’re doing to cut the waste by tagging @ON_EcoSchools and using the hashtag #WasteReductionWeek.