This year we were thrilled to visit 786 schools and see firsthand the passion that EcoTeams have for making a positive difference in their school communities and beyond. Every year we are inspired to see the ways in which schools are integrating an environmental focus into all aspects of the school day, from setting up outdoor classrooms, to leading inquiry-based learning, to running creative campaigns, to encourage school-wide action. This year many EcoSchools focussed on taking climate action through meaningful environmental stewardship campaigns and lessons.

To get a sense of all the impressive work we’ve compiled some favourite quotes, Tweets, and practices from students, teachers, and School Board representatives.

Got a highlight or photo from your school visit? It’s not too late to share – just tag us on Twitter (@ON_EcoSchools) or Facebook (Ontario EcoSchools) and use the hashtag #EcoSchools2017.

Students said it

“All you have do is little things, and suddenly you’re making the world a better place.” Sebastian, Gr. 3, St Cecilia, TCDSB

“Life doesn’t feel as good if I’m not on the EcoTeam.” Gr. 5 student, Golden Learning Centre, KPDSB

“Being an EcoTeam lead helps me achieve more with my voice as a student and see real change come from that passion.” Sarah, Gr. 12, M. M. Robinson, HDSB

“…our actions DO affect the Earth. This [school] is the cleanest place I’ve seen, all because I’ve been taught to take care of it.” Emily, Gr. 12, Simcoe Alternative School, SCDSB

And a wise piece of advice for EcoSchools from an elementary student at Ridgewood PS (PDSB): “Don’t rush. Don’t worry about assessment. Don’t stress. Be cool. Water your plants.”

Teachers said it

All images below are from Twitter- click to enlarge!

Board Representatives said it

For more from St Joseph-Scollard Hall SS, a first-time certifying EcoSchool, view the story.

Creative EcoSchools examples

Here are just some of the creative environmental actions we saw when we visited schools across the province!

  • At Shaw PS (PDSB), the whole school was involved in designing the green space as shared in this amazing video.
  • The Holy Trinity SS (PVNCCDSB) school community regularly plants ‘legacy trees’ in honour of the outgoing EcoTeam graduates!
  • One savvy student at Holy Cross Catholic SS (NCDSB) made an EcoTeam recruitment video.
  • Students at John McCrae PS (UGDSB) worked together to made nature mandalas using the symmetry, colours, textures that they could find outdoors – a good example of combining subjects (math and art) while spending time in nearby nature.
  • The Louise Arbour SS (PDSB) EcoTeam put together an impressive Prezi to share their three focus areas during their EECC Pledge Year.
  • Creative students at École élémentaire catholique Montfort (CECCE) made a heartwarming video about the dangers being faced by animals due to climate change.
  • Read about how newly certifying school MacLeod PS’ Earth Guardians worked together to go green both inside and outside school walls.