This year a record number of over 1,830 schools from 56 school boards certified as Ontario EcoSchools. This shows a growing commitment to going green, all across the province. Your school is an essential part of this community! Congratulations on an incredible year of environmental learning and action.

Quick Stats

Stay tuned over the next two weeks on Twitter and Facebook as we share more numbers and reflections on the 2016-17 school year.

What’s next?

  • School standings are available from board representatives; please contact them with any questions.
  • Read your feedback: Consider next steps by checking our your feedback on the online Certification Application, and click on the Application Summary page.
  • Share your status: You can find a green ‘Certified’ EcoSchool seal and Ontario EcoSchools logos here. Feel free to use on your websites, social media accounts, and other online forums.
  • See other schools nearby: Check out our new interactive School Map! You can search nearby and see what other schools certified.
  • Appeals: If you have questions about your assessment or would like to appeal your standing, please contact your board representative. The appeals process is outlined on our website.

*Official certification results for 2016-17 will be published in September following the final processing of assessments and appeals.