While EcoSchools are engaged in earth-friendly activities throughout the year, Earth Month is an opportune moment to amplify initiatives. With ten days left to celebrate Earth Month, here is a roundup of how schools are celebrating!

  • At St. Patrick Catholic School in ALCDSB, the Green Guardians put together a special presentation about frogs.
  • At St. Rita Catholic School (OCSB), Green Police Officers monitored recycling bins in each classroom to ensure waste was being properly sorted. Students are also investigating how they can save energy!
  • K-3 students at Nelson Mandela PS in PDSB created stories and art about our oceans and the creatures that live in them. Kindergarten students also took an exploratory walk to count trees and marvel in their beauty!
  • Haven’t planned anything yet? Here are five ideas for a week of Earth-friendly activities (which you can plan anytime during the school year) starting with Meatless Mondays and ending  with Lights-free Fridays. You can always choose one or two activities that some of your classes are already doing and extend them to the whole school. 
  • As always, please Tweet us sharing your #EarthMonth campaigns: we love to see what you are up to!

Remember to claim points for school-wide Earth Week/Month campaigns in the Environmental Stewardship section of your online application. If the campaign will take place after the April 28th deadline, include planning notes and materials/documents that show how students have been actively working towards a campaign, eg. a poster or announcement text.