Schools celebrate Earth Month

While EcoSchools are engaged in earth-friendly activities throughout the year, Earth Month is an opportune moment to amplify initiatives. With ten days left to celebrate Earth Month, here is a roundup of how schools are celebrating! At St. Patrick Catholic School in...

Outdoor Play in May

Make the most of the return to warmer weather by integrating outdoor play, neighbourhood exploration, and a field trip or two into your eco-activities in May! Here are just a few ideas to spring into action. Pedal away! May or June means Bike Month for many...

Don’t be shy, certify!

Submit by April 28th There is just over a week left until the deadline to submit your online application. We have been sharing #CertTIPS to help you out, so if you’re on Twitter, search for the hashtag and you may find a new tidbit to help you out with the last bit of...