Climate change is a complex issue that affects so many aspects of our daily lives, and while it can be daunting in that respect, we encourage you to work with your school communities to identify one or more actions that will make a difference.

One key way to learn about and take action on climate change this year is to participate in our Climate Leadership Contest.

Why organize around COP22?

Last year’s COP21 in Paris resulted in a legally binding global climate target – agreed upon by all 196 member parties. Essentially, this represents a global commitment to cap climate change below two degrees of warming. This was accompanied by an annual financial commitment by member parties of $100 billion to support this ambitious goal, particularly by boosting innovation where climate change mitigation and adaptation is most urgently needed. The next step, to actually identify how to work together to meet these goals, is hugely important!

This next step is taking place at the COP22 conference in Marrakesh, Morocco, from November 7-18. Let’s show world leaders how certified EcoSchools take action on climate change! Submit what your school will do this year to be climate leaders for the chance to be entered into a prize draw for $500 – which you can use to support your next eco-initiative this school year. This is a fantastic opportunity to share how your EcoTeam is demonstrating leadership in your school community and beyond!

Read more on why COP22 matters.

Get Involved Now!

For a full understanding of contest rules, regulations and how to involve, visit the Climate Leadership Contest webpage. Looking for COP22 Contest ideas? Here are a few to get you started:

  • Find more action ideas from the COP22 I’m Eco-Friendly page
  • Organize a debate on a local climate change issue, for example deforestation in your community, protecting a local species’ habitat, car-oriented transportation networks
  • Explore what a low-carbon economy can look like in geography, world issues, or economy classes. Research examples of initiatives around the world and discuss how to replicate and/or scale them to suit your community.
  • Expand your efforts in Energy Conservation as the temperature cools down; investigate how to save energy in your school while staying warm.
  • Make Mondays Meatless at school, and research and promote how local, plant-based diets can help the planet.

As always, we encourage you to adapt these to what your school is already doing, whether it’s a curriculum unit or environmental stewardship campaign.

The Climate Leadership Contest is open to all schools registered in the Ontario EcoSchools program.