Energy Conservation posters

In our Spring survey, many of you told us that having more energy-related resources would help you plan activities and campaigns, thereby achieving energy conservation goals.

In response to this survey, the Ministry of Energy has created a series of Power Posters, with 8 different topics that you can use in your classrooms including:

  • Power 101: Hydroelectricity, Solar, Nuclear, Natural gas, Biomass, Wind
  • Ontario’s energy supply mix
  • How much is a Kilowatt hour?

In addition, there is a suite of animated infographics and videos which teachers can add to their instructional time or as a fun research project.

Phantom Power

Do you ever leave appliances like your laptop, toaster, or kettle plugged in when you’re not using them? It’s a common belief that simply turning off devices (while leaving them plugged in) stops power from being consumed.

Enter: phantom power…BOO! You can’t see or hear it, but it’s there. Phantom power is the energy consumed from household appliances and electronics that are plugged in, but turned off. See this handy chart for common electronics.

Did you know that Phantom Power can suck up to 10% of a single home’s energy use, or even 50% of your computers regular energy use? Learn more fascinating facts from this fun video from Hydro One to help you reduce Phantom Power at Halloween and throughout the year. Hydro One also offers a room-by-room savings guide – a great resource for parents, and you can work with your classroom to develop a similar savings guide for school.

The Ministry of Energy recommends plugging in your appliances and electronics into power bars so you can quickly cut the power to multiple devices. For example, at school you can plug all computers/laptops in one bank into a power bar so that you can cut the power when the class or school day is over. The Ministry will also be holding a Phantom Power Halloween campaign this year; visit their website to learn more.

Further reading:

  • Find out how one school in Bradford reduced annual electricity consumption by 19% by installing new energy- efficient lighting
  • Read the Sustainable Schools report announcing the Top Ten Energy Performing School Boards in Ontario for 2016
  • Easily save energy in your classrooms without implementing any new technologies by following this mantra: Keep It Clear, Clean, Closed