At Ontario EcoSchools, we strive to encourage and facilitate positive change in school communities. This year, our focus is climate change – specifically, what we can do right here, right now – to combat climate change.

This theme coincides with several significant gatherings of world leaders around climate change – including the 22ndConference of the Parties (COP22), Habitat III (a global summit on housing and sustainable urban development), and World Green Economy Summit (which will focus on initiatives and policies to drive sustainable economies).

Here in Ontario, the government recently released a five-year Climate Action Plan across eight action areas, demonstrating a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy.

This year Ontario EcoSchools aims to raise awareness of how students can take leadership roles in climate action, whether it is in their own communities or on a broader scale. What do we mean by climate leadership? We define it as the ways in which school communities can effect positive change with regard to climate change issues.

Throughout the year, we’ll be supporting schools’ efforts by sharing resources, information, and actions that break down the complexity of climate change. Leadership opportunities for students will be identified in connection to our certification program (including popular campaigns like Sweater Day and Earth Hour) and to other national/global environmental events and initiatives.

Three Great Ways to Engage

  • The Climate Leadership Contest (November 7 -18) is one great way to get involved, and you can learn about how to participate here.
  • Climate Change Toolkit As part of this special theme year, we are pleased to launch the Climate Change Toolkit. This kit is designed to educate students about climate change, focusing on three main areas: consumerism, food, and transportation, with related activities and lesson plans.
  • Connect with us: we will be using #ONclimate on Twitter to share information and resources; be sure to use this hashtag as well as tag @ON_EcoSchools to share what your school is doing!