Welcome to October. Maybe you’re preparing for Waste Reduction Week, or enjoying the fall weather by using Active and Sustainable Transportation to get to school. Perhaps you are doing a waste audit? Or starting your Energy Conservation EcoReview?

If you need other ideas to spark your year, download our Get Inspired book. This book is a compilation of best practices from schools over the last decade: use it to inspire and innovate!

After-school Webinars @ 3:45pm-5pm:

  • Platinum Certification 101 Tuesday Nov. 10: An intro to Platinum certification, support for schools, and best practices for Platinum requirements. Great for eligible and interested schools and EcoTeams.
  • Experienced EcoSchools Certification Cycle (EECC) 101 Thursday Nov. 19: Find out about the EECC and how your school can focus on Team Building while achieving certification. Learn about requirements, deadlines, and best practices. Check out the EECC eligibility requirements here.

Your Ideas in Action

We have been listening closely to your suggestions and feedback from this year, and wanted to share this blog post on how we’re putting your ideas in action

Giving Thanks

Thank YOU from all of us at Ontario EcoSchools! This Thanksgiving season, we’d like to express our gratitude to all the passionate individuals and schools across the province: the engaged EcoTeams, tireless school board representatives, and generous funders who make our school communities more sustainable.