Master Plan

Plan with a purpose Think ahead and dream big when planning your school ground greening project. Tips: Have students shape how their school ground can look: take a survey or have a contest that invites students to share their dreams for their school ground.Create a...

Take the Pulse of Your School

Engage students in all stages of the project A great way to deeply engage the whole school in your greening project is to conduct a survey or run a design contest. The results may surprise you and help shape what your greening project may look like. Tips: Run a design...

Grassroots Fundraising

Support your greening project Fundraising can help projects get off the ground or enhance existing green spaces. Involve students at every stage of development. Tips: Sell plants: grow plants in your school greenhouse, and then sell them at a Mother’s Day or spring...

Community-Powered Greening

Support your greening project Make your greening project a community affair by inviting members of the community to contribute their time and expertise. Tips: Ask for plants: one industrious kindergarten class sent handwritten letters to parents to ask for native seed...

Outdoor Classrooms

Encourage regular use of outdoor space The outdoor classroom is an opportunity for classes to get outside in all weather. Tips: If you are an educator who feels comfortable taking your class outside, invite other educators into your classroom so they can build their...