Phantom-Load Ghost Busters

Enhance learning through inquiry When devices are left plugged in or on, they use “phantom energy.” Take action to reduce this often unseen energy waste. Tips: Knowledge is power: do a classroom audit to see what’s left plugged in, and use a watt meter to see how much...

EcoReps and Roles

Build a strong EcoTeam Defining roles and representation in your EcoTeam can help students understand their responsibilities as well as spread the word about your actions quickly and effectively. Tips: Eco Reps can be assigned to specific tasks in the classroom as...

Create a Plan

Organization for a successful year Once your EcoTeam is established, brainstorm your actions for the year. Start small and build on your success: select one or two key initiatives that your EcoTeam wants to address and make an action plan. Tips: Use...

It’s All in The Name

Raising your EcoTeam’s profile EcoHeroes, Earth Eagles, EcoPatrol, GreenDreams: these are all fun, catchy names that will capture your mission and distinguish your EcoTeam. Tips: Many EcoTeams divide up tasks in their group. One idea is to have fun names associated...


Raising your EcoTeam’s profile Mascots are a fun and visible way to represent your EcoTeam. Consider having eco-superheroes such as Mme. Lumière, a French language school’s mascot for energy conservation. Tips: Green your school mascot: for example, if your mascot is...