In response to the serious directives around COVID-19 across the country, including the ongoing prolonged closure of all schools across Canada, EcoSchools Canada has developed a strategy to support and recognize schools certifying with the program this year.

In determining the best way to proceed, we have considered many possible scenarios, and have surveyed our community to ensure that this decision is based on your feedback. Our priority is to develop a response guided by the following criteria:

  • Equitable for all schools registered in the 2019-2020 EcoSchools Canada program 

  • Clear and simple to implement (i.e., not technically difficult, easy to communicate) 

  • Recognizes achievement and participation in the EcoSchools program, regardless of how much an application has been completed

  • Maintains certification, so there is not a gap in certification for the year

  • Low-stress for school staff/students in an already stressful time

  • Maintains integrity of the certification program

  • Celebratory of all EcoSchools, this has been a hard year and we should celebrate our wins and successes

How certification will work this year

We have developed a plan that aims to support all stakeholders and their unique situations, including teachers, students, schools, boards/districts, as well as EcoSchools Canada.

  • This year, all schools that registered with the EcoSchools program will receive a Special Edition 2019-2020 EcoSchools Canada seal. The seal will be sent to schools in 2019-2020 with fun suggestions on how to celebrate your achievements.
  • This seal will be given to all schools regardless of what level of certification they were aiming to achieve, their certification history, or how much of their application was completed. No further work or uploads are required by schools for their online application this year.
  • All schools will be able to refer to their school as “certified” for the 2019-2020 school year.

Despite all the challenges schools and the EcoSchools community have faced this year, we are heartened by your incredible dedication and continued commitment to environmental learning and action.

Thank you!